Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Janice is GONE!

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She is GONE!
the best host
is gone!
the only one who kept it real
and made it fun
is gone

An official statement was released
that Janice Dickenson will be
moving on
to other projects
and will no longer be one of the hosts
Twiggy will replace her
Who gives a flying broomstick about Twiggy

Granted Janice was nuts
and brutal
and strange
but that is what makes TV
and she always kept it real
with those dumb a$$
good for nothing
wanna be models

They say its really because
her and tyra never got along
screw tyra with her big
forheaded wanna be oprah on tv
Lets see the ratings plummet
worse then they already have
on that stinker

I hope they give Janice her own
show on E!
or better yet on HBO
so she can be nude
and curse
all she wants without worying about

they should call it
learn how to be a REAL model
or DIE!
cause Janice would rip them
to shreds!
RIP Janice!

Salad Torture

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I hate salads
doesnt it suck that for one
who wants to watch what to eat
is limited to so little
a salad is the standard
or the best bet
to make sure
youre okay
but its like torture
day after day

They say you should always
watch what you say
for it may come back
to haunt you
and its true
with me
and salads

I used to watch what I ate
all the time
and had no problem eating a salad
day to day
and a friend once told me
I never could
im no friggin rabbit
and all I did was point
and say Hmm no will power
you have
and now here I am
miserable as can be
staring at my salad for lunch
like an ancient torture
saying I cant do it
I cant
I cant

I even hear my mother in my head
telling me
that if it isnt hot
then it isnt a meal
is it cause im feening for a piece of carb
a taste
a crumb
or simply
because I need something warm
or hot
as my mother would say

I dont know
I cant explain
but the salad still sits
and the torture remains

Friday, May 27, 2005

Fat Boys Fem

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So this morning
the topic
of heavy set men
came up between a friend and I
nothing offensive
nothing grand
she made a comment
which made me stand
a heavy man she claims
is always feminine to me
I asked
she explains
that no matter why type of man
if he is heavy
he is like a woman to her
she says
a heavy man has meat to nab
an ass to smack
and sometimes even tittys to grab
that blew me away
to her a fat boy is fem
so it makes one think
*offensive as it may

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


so britney and kevin
debuted their new show last night
not sure if that titles fills it right
more like
trashotic would be more like it

ive never been a britney fan
but I have to give this show a try
with the hopes of maybe
seeing something
that would make me like her a bit more
as a person
as an artist
as an anything

She showed herself with bad skin
showed herself with bad hair
and most especially showed off
how good her teeth are despite
all the cigarettes she smokes
lucky her

It started off with her
discussing the fact that she wants someone
and wants to be commited
take a number I say
boo friggin who
but I guess it shows that rich people
have prob

Searching For Answers

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my first single ever
has finally been released
it was recorded
so long ago
and I never thought
I would get to see it surface

it played on the radio
last summer
but it was at about 3am
so there was almost no one
I could call
to share the joy
of hearing my hardwork
on the radio

it took about 6 hours
to record that song
3 for the concept
3 in the studio
you would never guess
some say it doesn’t sound
like me
I think it sounds
like a British man whos high
and mumbling
but I guess that’s what they
were going for
and that’s what they got
it’s the debut single for this
particular label as well
so there is excitement
all around

The downer of it all
because every good in life
has a bad
is that the single is a European release
not bad for a Puerto Rican from
the Bronx
but bad because to purchase it
makes a 10 dollar LP
comes out to about 35 American dollars
which is insane

it will be released in the U.S.
and good things will result
so though my name isn't in lights
its in print
and somewhere
somebody in Europe
knows who I am
and that in itself
is the most exciting thing of all

Friday, May 13, 2005

Tic Toc

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So im off to the airport in about an hour
To Miami I go
Im excited just for the heat alone
New York is the worlds greatest city
To some
To others
Its just home

Most especially today
Im working on 3 hours sleep
All because I couldn’t decide
Which friggin t-shirts
I wanted to take with me
My new thing this summer
Is t-shirts with words
Or anything to make someone
"get offended"

I have a jesus shirt
Its pixilated
If youre standing in front of me
All you see its colored squares
If youre a couple of feet away
You see a big face of jesus on my chest
I wore it to a club once
It offended so many people
One dude actually asked me
"Don’t you feel its wrong?"
My reply:
"No- If I'm living my life right-
Then I have nothing to worry about
-Jesus danced and drank wine"
According to my friend
It didn’t make it any better
But I didn’t get struck by lighting that night
So I figure that maybe jesus didn’t get mad.

Im not taking the Jesus shirt with me
But I did waste several hours
Deciding on which ones to take
So- as uneventful as today is
Its flying by
As time always does

Off I go
Until I return on Monday
I hope the days go long
And I get to have fun
Without the clock moving fast
As it always does

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Power of Makeup!

I have seen
all of these before
except for
Now tell me
She doesnt look like an albino
The power or Makeup and Airbrushing

Kingdom of Heaven

Was such a disappointment
I've never really been a big fan
Of epic films
But I had some sort of expectation
For this one.
Not sure why .
Perhaps because I am a fan
Of Ridley Scott (director)

But this film
For being 2 1/2 hours long
Was so uneventful.
I usually fall asleep
In any film I watch
Which doesn’t stimulate me
But I stood awake in this one
The entire time.
Perhaps in hopes
Of waiting for something-
Or important
To occur.
And it never came

*Don’t read further
If you don’t want to know
The end*

He is basically made "the man"
By his dying dad.
Has the queen of a country
Fall for him.
Has their army willing to kill her husband
And make him king
To avoid war
And maintain peace
But he gets a conscience
And chooses to sit by a palm tree
In his small little town
While thousands get killed
By her greedy husband/king
Even though he already hit that (2 days earlier)
So basically people fight
And fight
And win nothing in the end
They lose!
At least in Lord of the rings
It took them 3 movies
And 9 hours out of my life
But they destroyed the damned ring
And scary looking Gullum
Kingdom of crap

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

19 Inches

Born and raised here
And im not quite sure
Ill ever understand the madness

My train is an outside station
I feel like I'm the tortoise and the hare
And each day I'm the tortoise
Except I am never winning
Each day my commute seems slower
While the rails get older
When the structures corrode
and fall apart one day
Will everyone be trainless
Until they build more tracks again
You can repair and repair
But these stations are 100 years old
There is only so much you can repair

As for the people-
I don’t think I will ever adjust

Note to all:

- If you aren't getting off for 6 more stops
Why stand in the doorway?
- If you choose to stand in the doorway
Why read the paper? Do I have to duck when exiting
Like I'm walking through the Amazon rain forest?
-If you have a leg problem, or are simply old
Why do you insist on walking in the center of the steps
Or sidewalk?
If you are slower then the average norm. Pick a side!
Left or right- just give me a chance to bypass you
We all have places to go
And besides- if you cant walk well
Shouldn’t you be holding on to a rail anyway?
-When several people are waiting for an elevator
Or the train doors to open
Why does the last person to arrive insist
on getting on first
Do they think the other are standing around taking a survey?
- Personal space.
I was once told that the average amount of personal space
For someone is 19 inches
Once another person comes within 19 of another
They become uncomfortable
Go ahead- take a ruler and try
New York is overcrowded as is
Why do others insist on always coming within 19 inches?
Especially on escalators
Skip a step
Give another space to breath
Smelling someone ass crack in front of you
While you are waiting for urban assistance
Isn't going to get you somewhere that much faster

Monday, May 09, 2005

Heal My Heals

I have heel spurs
at my age
go figure
It feels like a drill going through your heel
never fun
no matter how expensive
or comfortable
shoes- sneakers are made
it doesn't help.

I don't get it
How do people even get heel spurs
didn't cave men walk around barefoot
through all terrains
aren't there still natives
throughout the world
who run around
and climb trees
all day
I doubt they have podiatrists
to heal their HEELS
Maybe if I would have walked the streets
my whole life
instead of wearing shoes seven days a week
(to dress well)
I wouldn't be having geriatric foot problems
in my peak years

I cant go dancing
or on long walks
without about 3 insoles
in my shoe
out of control.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mother's Day

So today is Sunday
and its also Mother's Day
I gave my mother her gift at 1am
She loved it.
Im glad.
Went out to dinner last night
Had a spanish version of Chinese fried rice
it was amazing
best meal ive had in a long time

Hopefully this time next week
I will be hungover somewhere in Miami
having only slept about 2 hours
Lying next to someone hot
whom I had the lucky pleasure of meeting
while on vacation in a tropical city.
Im 25 and single
we all have needs
And getting sweaty in Miami
while its still cold in New York
can surely bring it on.

So I just saw something about a new rock band
on MTV
And I wonder
why do most rock bands look dirty
why should your style of music determine
your hygene
dont rock bands sing about love and loss
like other genres of music
so because their music is rock
they dont wear deodorant
or shave
I dont get it
Then again- success in this world
seems limited
if you are not a follower to an extent
but its true
its all around you
if you you just look

Saturday, May 07, 2005

My First Day

I recently discovered Blogs-
they create different opinions from many
but I see it as a new way to share- talk- think
what we should all do.

we will
be able to say
what we want
how we please.

I will type my thoughts
as they come
as I see them
think them.

If you are looking for perfect grammer
you wont find here
thoughts dont come gramatically correct
they come emotionally
our brains werent born with spellcheck
and I dont want my thoughts
because im looking for a dictionary
or waiting on windows spellcheck
to complete