Janice is GONE!
She is GONE!
the best host
is gone!
the only one who kept it real
and made it fun
is gone
An official statement was released
that Janice Dickenson will be
moving on
to other projects
and will no longer be one of the hosts
Twiggy will replace her
Who gives a flying broomstick about Twiggy
Granted Janice was nuts
and brutal
and strange
but that is what makes TV
and she always kept it real
with those dumb a$$
good for nothing
wanna be models
They say its really because
her and tyra never got along
screw tyra with her big
forheaded wanna be oprah on tv
Lets see the ratings plummet
worse then they already have
on that stinker
I hope they give Janice her own
show on E!
or better yet on HBO
so she can be nude
and curse
all she wants without worying about
they should call it
learn how to be a REAL model
or DIE!
cause Janice would rip them
to shreds!
RIP Janice!