Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Salad Torture

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I hate salads
doesnt it suck that for one
who wants to watch what to eat
is limited to so little
a salad is the standard
or the best bet
to make sure
youre okay
but its like torture
day after day

They say you should always
watch what you say
for it may come back
to haunt you
and its true
with me
and salads

I used to watch what I ate
all the time
and had no problem eating a salad
day to day
and a friend once told me
I never could
im no friggin rabbit
and all I did was point
and say Hmm no will power
you have
and now here I am
miserable as can be
staring at my salad for lunch
like an ancient torture
saying I cant do it
I cant
I cant

I even hear my mother in my head
telling me
that if it isnt hot
then it isnt a meal
is it cause im feening for a piece of carb
a taste
a crumb
or simply
because I need something warm
or hot
as my mother would say

I dont know
I cant explain
but the salad still sits
and the torture remains


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