Friday, September 09, 2005

I dont get the Lopez'

I dont get it!

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Whats with this bitch's hair?
Did her wack ass hair stylist
actually sit there
with a couple of mexican slaves
and put a bunch of "pinches"
in her hair
to create that mess
the older
and richer
she gets
the worse her hair gets
I really dont have much to say
I think the photo speaks for itself
as for her outfit?
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all I have to say is
that we are still in the first week of september
which means that august just left
which means that people are still
wearing t-shirts
and tank tops
Yesterday was 85 degrees at noontime
so why is she wearing a friggin turtleneck
did her vampire looking husband
take his look to seriously
and give her an old school hickey
she is from the bronx after all
and you can take the girl out the bronx
but you cant take the bronx out.....
you know the rest
speaking of bronx girls
whats going on with jhos sister
lynda lopez...
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This is at the fasion rocks awards..
every bitch up in there had on a gown
even project chicks problem know
that if you attend anything
with the word fashion in it
your ass shouldnt show up
wearing jeans
but forget the jeans
its obvious the lopez sisters
dont know how to
differentiate between
or fall
she has kneee length
snow boots on
and ugly ones at that
you know what
from the soccer mom hair
to the top
to the jeans
and boots
its just another photo that speaks for itself
and finally... Mrs. Mottola herself- Thalia
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Tell me she isnt Jennifer lopez channeling
Nicole "Skinny as death" Richie
I never saw it before- but im seeing it now
unless its the bright light on my desk
making me see things
I dont hate on thalia today though
shes rich
shes beautiful
she married music royalty
and shes a latina who knows
not to wear jeans and snow boots
to a damn fashion event


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