Ripe Cuban Mango
Well im back from miami
what a beautiful place
ive been down 3 times
in the past 2 months
lucky me
Ive had dreams of living there since I was a kid
something draws me there
maybe its the sad
maybe its the heat
maybe its the half naked bodies
year round
or just the fact that it isnt
the bronx
I dont see subways
or feel a cold breeze coming
I feel like I should be in LA
though Miami is more affordable
and closer to NY
incase things go wrong
im tired of new york
but I was born here
so who knows how long
I can really stay away once im gone
Miami has mangos
and no earthquakes
you are allowed to walk the streets
with a drink
as long as the cup is plastic
in LA you cannot jade walk
you can be on one side of the street
and not see a car for miles
but still wait for the light
just to avoid a $200 ticket
so life seems easier
more laid back
more debaucherous there
Ive lived my life always taking the safe
and stable route
just getting up and going
is scary as heck
but life is about chances right
I read a great quote while I was there this weekend
"go out on a limb, cause that is where the fruit is"
now whether that fruit is good or rotten, thats why my ass
wants to know.
is miami a rotten fruit thats pretty on the outside
or a ripe cuban mango?
Well, I prefer a ripe, juicy apple. I think you know where I am getting at :o)
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