Thursday, July 07, 2005

Cross the Street

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On a serious political note
The photo above is of a blow up bus
in england
its a double decker
what you see
is the second deck
people continue to blow things up
its scary
you are safe nowhere
a friend asked why
why do they continue
to kill innocent people
but we seem to forget
then when someone is raised from youth
or a vulnerable state
to think a certain way
brainwashing becomes easy
its sad to see so much death in the world
thats why I dont read the paper
or watch the news
call me dumb if you must
but if its 5:30am and I just want to see
how cold it is outside
I dont want to see how many people
were blown up today
before my eye crud is even gone
I cant
I wont
I dont
want to deal with it
life is hard enough taking the subway everyday
inhaling smelly armpits
much least worrying
about getting blown up
yes its reality
but i guess I dont want to
keep it real

So what I figure is this
live life now
live it to its best
live up
all the way
up up up
cause you never know
what tomorrow brings
and what wont be there
I look forward
to a long
in a safe and happy world
but until then
I have to do me
and do what makes me happy
focusing as much on today
but remembering in the words of
gloria estefan
that there might still be
always tomorrow

Be safe
be happy
look out
dont let crazy people get too close
if you see someone suspect
cross the street


Blogger Michael K said...


6:56 PM  

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